Scope of Coverage

Event cancellation

If, due to force majeure, the Insured Person is prevented from attending the event for which they hold an Insured Ticket, the Insurer will ensure reimbursement of the value of the ticket up to the maximum limit of compensation.

For this purpose, force majeure will have the following meaning:

a) Unexpected professional impediments (meeting appointments, training or others) duly documented that cause the Insured Person to become engaged elsewhere other than at the place of the event. For the purposes of this policy, the Insured Person is understood to be engaged elsewhere when they have a professional impediment within a radius of more than 150 km from the place where the event takes place.

b) An accident involving the means of transport used by the Insured Person on their way to the place of the event or show;

c) An accident, diagnosed illness or hospitalization within the fifteen days preceding the day of the event or show, that affects the Insured Person, their spouse, first generation ancestors or descendants, provided that the latter are minors;

d) Robbery, attempted robbery, or any violent act committed against the Insured Person or their companions during the journey to the place of the event or show, preventing the Insured Person from attending the event or show;

e) The Insured Person is robbed of their ticket for the event or show;

f) Death of the holder, spouse, descendants or ancestors, within the fifteen days preceding the day of the event or show;

g) Disturbance of the public order, strikes and the imposition of martial law that prevent the Insured Person from attending the event or show;

h) The Insured Person is prevented from accessing the place of the event or show due to a flood, fire, explosion or by order of a legal authority;

i) A flight cancellation or delay that prevents the Insured Person from attending the event or show.


Coverage excludes claims that result from:

a. Fraud or attempted fraud;

b. Cancellation, anticipation or postponement of the show or public entertainment, as well as a change in venue;

c. Delay in entering the venue or place of the show or public entertainment;

d. Work that makes the place where the public show or entertainment takes place or the respective access routes inaccessible or unusable in whole or in part, except when the Policyholder is unaware of such work at the time the tickets are sold;

e. Failure by the Policyholder or the Insured Person to comply with legal or regulatory rules or judicial or administrative decisions;

f. War, whether declared or undeclared, invasion, acts of foreign enemy, hostilities or bellicose operations, civil war, insurrection, rebellion or revolution, as well as acts caused accidentally by explosive or incendiary devices;

g. Acts of terrorism, as defined under the Portuguese penal legislation in force;

h. Military uprisings or acts of legitimate or usurped military power;

i. Explosions, releases of heat or radiation stemming from atomic fission or radioactivity and also arising from radiation caused by the artificial acceleration of particles, as well as those resulting from exposure to magnetic fields;

j. Wilful acts or omissions by the Policyholder, the Insured Person or persons for whom they are civilly responsible;

k. Non-compliance with medical prescription;

l. Suicide or attempted suicide and self-inflicted bodily harm suffered by the Insured Person;

m. Waterspout, tornado, typhoon or cyclone, snowfall, fog, frost or thunderstorm;

n. The mere disappearance of the Insured Ticket, without proof that it was taken by force, violence or personal threat, in which case this mere disappearance will be considered Theft, and is not covered under this policy;

o. Any voluntary omission or negligence including simple loss by the Insured Person. For the purpose of this exclusion, the circumstance of leaving the Insured Ticket in a place that is visible from the outside, in a building or public place, will be deemed negligence;

p. Any theft the practice of which is facilitated or due to the negligence of the Insured Person;

q. Pandemics and Epidemics.

Procedures in the event of a claim

The procedures to be followed in the event of a claim are as follows:

1. For the cover of Theft of the Insured Ticket, the Insured Person must report such an occurrence within 5 working days;

2. For all other guarantees, the Insured Person must report the Occurrence within a maximum of 10 days from the date of the event or show.

The claim can be submitted through the claim reporting portal specifically designed for this purpose.

If the Insured Ticket is taken in a Robbery, the Insured Person must file a Report with the Competent Authority immediately after the occurrence or knowledge of the occurrence of Theft; they must include a detailed breakdown of the occurrence, namely:

1. The circumstances in which the Robbery took place;

2. An express statement that the Insured Ticket has been stolen;

To instruct the claim process, the Insured Person must send to the Insurer, by any of the means provided, the following documents or information:

1. A duly completed and signed Claim;

2. The Insured Ticket (except in the event of Robbery);

3. Receipt of purchase for the Insured Ticket;

4. Proof of the occurrence that prevented the Insured Person from being present at the event or show;

5. If the Insured Ticket is taken in a Robbery, the occurrence must be reported to the competent Authority.

For the purposes of this clause, a claim can be submitted by:

  • Telephone: +351 210 425 130 (helpline)
  • Post: Alameda Fernão Lopes, 16 – 6.º andar – Miraflores – 1495-190 Algés
  • Email: [email protected]

Important Note:
This document is a free translation of the Portuguese Policy Wording. For any doubt or in case of litigation must be use the original document.